About Me
A man trying to cultivate wisdom, and put it into action.
I have two kids; Noah, 8, who lives to climb trees and Senna, 4, who makes the best cup of air tea you’ve ever had.
I love being in the dirt. My partner Haley and I built a small house on a block of land where we grow fruit trees, veggies, and have planted hundreds of natives. The bird life is worth every shovel-load of mulch.
I studied Chemical & Environmental Engineering before realising that my career options were in mining, oil, or gas. Luckily, I found a niche in the sustainability realm.
I love public speaking. Whether it’s events, workshops, festivals, or podcasts, hit me up.
I run occasionally, usually far. There’s something about that moment when you feel like you’re done, but then push past where you think your limit is… it reminds me that we humans are far more capable than we think we are.
I’ve had many influences over my short life; some of the main ones in recent times have been Charles Eisenstein, Helena Norberg-Hodge, Bob Brown, David Holmgren, Vandana Shiva, and Bayo Akomolafe.
Qualifications & Courses:
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons.), Chemical & Environmental - University of Queensland
B Consultants Training - B Lab ANZ
Mastery of Business & Empathy - Small Giants Academy
Sustainability Practitioner Program - Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership
Life Coach Program - Real Education
Diploma in Brewing - Institute of Brewing & Distilling
Introductory Auditing Skills - Asure Quality
Implementing an Environmental Management System - ANDSAM Training