Food & Beverage Industry
I specialise in sustainability & impact projects in the Food & Beverage industry
Whilst I love
Sustainability & Community Impact Strategies
Developing and implementing impact strategies, from 12 month plans up to 10+ year long-term goals
B-Corp certification and/or improvements
Environmental and community advocacy campaigns
Sustainability & impact content creation, communications, and reporting
Business Operational Improvements
Leading and managing key sustainability projects
Team awareness, development, and training
Environmental grants, awards, accreditations, and compliance
Sustainability performance benchmarking
Water and energy improvements
Waste & wastewater management
Supply Chain and Community Management Projects
Multi-stakeholder supply chain improvement projects
Charitable giving and community engagement plans
GHG foot-printing and carbon reduction plans
Development of Supplier Codes of Conduct and Ethical Purchasing Plans
Advocacy, Engagement, Public Speaking, and Events
Hosting panels, workshops, and public forums
MC’ing key events
Live interviews and podcast episodes
Purposeful storytelling ideation and coordination
As a B Consultant, I have completed training with B Lab ANZ to support companies to become certified B Corps.
As a Professional Member of Engineers Australia, my qualifications and experience have been assessed and recognised.